If you want to change a term or condition of employment you must agree this change with your employee. This requirement to get the employer’s and employee’s consent to is part of contract law. You can read more about contracts in our document. Rates of pay Most experienced adult workers are entitled to be paid a. However, there are some exceptions to this for example, people employed by close relatives, people aged under 18 and trainees or apprentices. You must give your employees showing their wages and any deductions that have been made.
Hours of work, breaks and rest periods You are responsible for ensuring that your employees are given adequate rest. The Organisation of Working Time Act 1997 sets down the rules governing. Leave Nearly all employees have and entitlements from the time they start work. Most employees are entitled to 4 weeks’ paid annual leave per leave year. Part-time workers’entitlement is generally calculated as 8% of the hours worked subject to a maximum of 4 working weeks per leave year. Employers can determine when employees take annual leave, taking into consideration work and personal requirements.