Top languages by population per Nationalencyklopedin Rank Language Native speakers in millions 2007 (2010) Percentage of world population (2007) 1 (entire branch) 935 (955) 14.1% 2 390 (405) 5.85% 3 365 (360) 5.52% 4 295 (310) 4.46% 5 280 (295) 4.23% 6 205 (215) 3.08% 7 (Bangla) 200 (205) 3.05% 8 160 (155) 2.42% 9 125 (125) 1.92% 10 95 (100) 1.44% 11 92 (95) 1.39% 12 82 1.25% 13 (inc. ) 80 1.20% 14 (inc. And ) 77 1.16% 15 76 1.15% 16 76 1.14% 17 76 1.14% 18 75 1.12% 19 73 1.10% 20 70 1.06% 21 66 0.99% 22 63 0.95% 23 59 0.90% 24 (inc. ) 59 0.89% 25 56 0.85% 26 49 0.74% 27 48 0.72% 28 (inc. • Refers to only Modern Standard Hindi here. The defines Hindi on a loose and broad basis.