Compare and contrast the League of Nations and the United Nations as international organizations. Did decolonization after WWII undermine or strengthen the structure of the modern international society?
Why did the 'second Cold War' begin; and why did it end with the collapse of the USSR? Are liberal theories of international relations necessarily utopian, and is this a problem? Balance of power - sort of like the free market economy. Everything is left to itself, and provides stability (but not necessarily peace) that guards against hegemony. The secondary function is to protect the independence of each state. This second function is secondary, because sometimes states are sacrificed for the balance of power (such as the partitioning of Poland). Balance of power just sort of automatically form because of natural interaction between states.
It provides a minimum of order on which other organizations (international law, diplomacy, rules of war, etc) can flourish. The balance of power is makes an equilibrium, and it doesn't require any common moral agreement - everyone cooperates (more or less) not because they are the same, but because it is to each state's best interest. Other features of the Westphalian System: positive international law, diplomacy, rules of war (from.
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