Deepika Padukone’s Rani Padmavati is the strength of Shahid Kapoor’s Maharawal Ratan Singh and portraying it in gloriously coloured visuals is Padmavati’s second song, Ek Dil Ek Jaan. Sanjay Leela Bhansali, the film’s director, is known for giving the audience spectacle but in the second song of the film, the focus is firmly on emotions. Along with Rajput royals, Deepika’s Padmavati and Shahid’s Maharawal are essentially two people in love. So, while their backs stay ramrod straight during war and peace, their eyes speak of their love.
The love ballad opens as a worried looking Shahid looks up to see Deepika smiling down at him from a balcony. His brow is no longer furrowed and he is smiling now. It is moments like these that Ek Dil Ek Jaan is filled with. Making it even more melancholy is the juxtaposition of Padmavati-Ratan Singh love story as it goes from the days of peace to war waiting to happen. The reason, of course, is Delhi Sultan Alauddin Khilji who is waiting at Chittor’s door. Before we share five unforgettable moments from Ek Dil Ek Jaan, here is the song itself. Sharing the song, Deepika tweeted, “An epic love ballad.
#EkDilEkJaan @FilmPadmavati.” Watch: Padmavati second song Ek Dil Ek Jaan. If it is Sanjay Leela Bhansali, expect every frame to be picture perfect and Padmavati is no exception.